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The Bendy Superhuman Online Course
How to approach this course (2:33)
Hypermobile Yogis Ebook!
Hypermobile Yogis Ebook
Build Your Strong Foundation
1: The Spinal Curve (9:31)
2: Deep Neck Flexors (28:05)
3 - The Transverse Abdominus (TVA) (35:06)
4 - Pelvic Floor (28:44)
5 - Backchain (26:32)
Other body parts!
6 - All about the shoulders (31:07)
7 - Elbows and wrists (31:50)
8 - Knees (21:05)
9 - Feet, ankles, and calves (27:37)
Bonus yoga classes
A video for warming up (10:52)
Full Body (19:56)
Full body general yoga poses flow (23:21)
full body flow - intense (19:20)
Glutes Flow (20:17)
Yoga Nidra (16:25)
Bonus informational videos
Bonus shoulder stuff! (Scapula humeral rhythm) (4:09)
Pelvis Stabilty (12:25)
Foam roller self massage (18:25)
BAckbends (7:13)
A video for warming up
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